Handbag rope is in our daily life necessities, what kind of bag need a rope, so it looks more beautiful, but also easy to carry.
Handbag rope made in our factory are environmentally friendly, style and diverse, colorful, delicate touch, make you happy happy shopping, you usually items when shopping mall will have the corresponding handbag rope to you of every hue installed.
The first impression you put on the rope is feeling, then the handbag is beautiful, so the design of our products to humanity with the concept of environmental protection absolutely meet your needs.
Packaging bag is an important technology in flexible packaging, packaging material is flexible material, has high toughness, tensile strength and wear resistance.
General packaging bag structure is barrel shaped structure, is pre sealed in packing package after the end of the other end, the packaging operation by filling operation. Packaging bags are widely used in transportation packaging, commercial packaging, inside and outside, so the use of a wide range of.
济南超原包装厂(咨询电话 0531-88275058 )成立于2005年,主要经营范围有手提袋、礼品盒、牛皮纸大箱,是手提袋、礼品盒、牛皮纸大箱、包装箱等产品专业生产加工的私营独资企业,公司总部设在山东省济南市历城区华山镇东杨村。我公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。
济南超原包装公司自成立以来,一直尊崇“踏实、拼搏、责任”的企业精神,并以诚信、共赢、开创经营理念,创造良好的企业环境,以全新的管理模式,完善的技术,周到的服务,卓越的品质为生存根本,我们始终坚持用户至上 用心服务于客户,坚持用自 |